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  1. Highs

    Healthy Ways to Eat Your Beaf

    Beef is okay to be consumed when it is taken in the right portions or through the correct right kind of preparation. Buy the trimmings and do not fry your foods in a lot of oil or butter to avoid more fats. However, way should always accompany a lot of vegetables on the plate while taking beef...
  2. Highs

    Is Popcorn Harmful to Your Body?

    Is popcorn a bad thing for the body? Not really. Popcorns, of course, can be healthy, if it is prepared in an air popper and not coated with butter, salt or sugar. It is low calorie and rIch in fiber It contains low fat and less in calories. But when accompanied by unhealthy toppings such as...
  3. Highs

    How to Treat Dandruff in a Day

    It is possible to treat dandruff using natural products. For my method, the first step to have to wash your hair with fresh lemonjuice. Ensure the surface of the scalp is very dry before you go to the next step in the process. Then taking six dried pear leaves and reduce them to a fine powder...
  4. Highs

    Miracle Leaf: How Effective is it in Curing Diseases?

    The traditional African name in Yoruba is “Abamoda” and in Igbo it is “Odaa Opuo”: This is a powerfully blessed plant with a lot of benefits as follows. It can help against viral diseases; Your body will b fit. The same particular leave will also be able to cure any skin complications that that...
  5. Highs

    How to Treat Gonorrhea and UTI With Herbs

    To treat gonorrhea and UTI, you might want to try using bitter melon leaves. Tke some fresh leaves and then blend them in water until the water you’re left with is greenish black. Take 3 spoonful of this mixture and consume it 60ml three times daily. After a couple of days, those symptoms...
  6. Highs

    How to Heal a Wound Faster?

    Have you sustained any injuries or have you had any cuts or scratches that have all not been healing? Kids get cuts from playing and having abrasions exposes them to infections that may cause diseases in the body. This is especially beneficial for healing your wounds quickly and with the help of...
  7. Highs

    What's The Effect of Dandelion Root on Cancer Patients?

    Dandelion root has shown the ability to slow down the rate of cancer cell division and is most effective in Colon, Pancreas and Leukemia type cancers. Those antioxidants could guard other healthy tissues and certainly enhance the immune system. Dandelion root can be consumed through preparing it...
  8. Highs

    Do This Now if You Experience Irregular Menstruation!

    Has any woman or girl ever used contraceptives suchas Postinor 2 or Lydia, and now you experience irregular menses, or you do no longer menstruate at all? Oh well, there is a home remedy you can use when you feel the itch coming on. Take pawpaw (papaya) that is still green and greenskinned...
  9. Highs

    How Does Garlic Work For Asthmatic Patients?

    Garlic is helpful to people who have asthma! It has a bronchodilator effect, which means that it helps reduce muscle constriction around ones airways. This makes breathing easier. It can be eaten with your meals or even taken as supplements. Others think it combats inflammation that leads to...
  10. Highs

    How to Aide Digestion Effectively

    Most individuals suffer from a bowel issue, and they may go two days and sometimes over one week or even a week without defecating. This is not healthy. This is an effective remedy which we have. It contains a good amount of fiber that enhances good digestion, and mashes stool making bowel...
  11. Highs

    How to Decrease High Blood Sugar Level Eating Just Vegetable

    Waterleaf also known as “Gbure” among the Yorubas has really interesting and countless health benefits. Not only does it assist in decreasing high blood sugar levels but it also acts to restore the cells of the pancreas. It is also important in the regulation of blood sugar so this makes...
  12. Highs

    How to Cure Prostatic Hyperplasia?

    Benign prostatic hyperplasia is widespread in older men and one of the healing plants is pigweed, a type of green vegetable. To use it, look for fresh pigweed in local markets or better still cultivate it in your own backyard. Wash the leaves really well to clean them then they can be eaten raw...
  13. Highs

    Simple Remedy For People Suffering From Sickle Cell

    It has been mentioned that the Indian almond plant gives special benefits to people suffering from Sickle Cell (SS). And it has strong efficacy on anti-sickling, so it can effectively avoid frequent occurrence of sickle cell crises. It increases oxygen supply and decreases incidences of anemia...
  14. Highs

    How to Manage Sciatica Pain?

    The best plant for sciatica pain is Indian heliotrope also known as Agogo Igun in Yoruba and Akonfem Atiko in Twi. The plant will come in handy if you are experiencing shooting pains in your lower back. All you need to do is to air dry leaves and then crush them into powder. A teaspoon of this...
  15. Highs

    Do This if You Just Stopped Smoking!

    Take passion flower leaves, steam them, then take one teacup of it every day. It will get the body out of smoking habit thus getting out of smoking without the usual unfriendly feeling known as withdrawal syndrome. It also helps to cleanse the lungs and remove toxic residuals from cigarettes or...
  16. Highs

    Benefits of Garlic in The Body

    Garlic reduces cholesterol and thins the blood Garlic goes more than simply as a condiment to our food, it also has some therapeutic properties to food. It is scientifically confirmed that garlic may be used to reduce cholesterol content as an effective way to improve heart health. By...
  17. Highs

    How to Cure Liver Damage in Few Months

    It has been discovered that treatment using palm tree leaves can restore damaged liver within three months. This natural remedy acts in a way through helping the liver to self heal due to enhancement of its regeneration properties. To use this treatment, dry the palm leaves and then pound them...
  18. Highs

    Low Sperm Concentration and Infertility in Men

    Low sperm concentration and male infertility can be caused by conditions and diseases. An example is E.coli bacteria particularly as it affects the genital organs. They can cause blockage of the tubes within the testes, which makes it difficult for a man to sire children. Sperm cells are...
  19. Highs

    Vitamins That Can Boost Your Stamina

    Some vitamins and supplements should be taken by men with a hope that they could get strong erections most of the time. Calcium enhances blood supply and raises testosterone that is very essential for achieving good erection. Vitamin B12 helps to promote proper functioning of the nerve tissue...
  20. Highs

    How to Increase Sperm Count?

    To boost the volume of sperm production, there are certain products, such as eggs, that are helpful for sperm. Protein is important in creating healthy sperms; eggs are good source of protein. Boiled eggs help shield sperm from dangerous compounds known as free radicals which if get to the sperm...