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  1. Highs

    How do You Start a Business?

    Does any beginnerunderstand what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Oh well, it is good that you are reading this now because soon, I will simplify this enormously. Let me quickly What thing genuinely motivates you or ‘gets you out of bed in the morning’? What do people need? Maybe it is...
  2. Highs

    What is Considered a Small Scale Business?

    A small-scale business is like your neighborhood recharge card stand or a local bakery. It's a business that's not that big. Think of a small shop run by a few people, maybe your family or some close friends. They don't have tons of employees or a giant building. Small businesses can be a...
  3. Highs

    What is Considered an Industry?

    An industry is like a big group of companies and people doing the same type of work. Imagine a group of people making cars, that's the car industry. Or think about all the people making movies, that’s the movie industry. It’s like everyone in that group is playing on the same team, trying to...
  4. Highs

    3 Reasons You Lost Followers

    Businesses or channels lose followers day by day and they wonder what they are not doing right. Well you are investing your time but something is not right. 1. You stopped giving value. Nobody will want to follow you if you don't give value or you stopped giving value, even your family and...
  5. Highs

    Platform That Will Get You rich

    YouTube seems to be a very saturated website where everybody is teaching one thing or the other, even the novice. The good news is, we still have so many credible content creators you can subscribe to grow yourself in anyway. YouTube can help you with the knowledge you need to make millions, but...
  6. Highs

    How Hypertension Can Damage Your System

    Now let me briefly discuss a condition that is commonly referred to as high blood pressure…Hypertension. If not controlled, it leads to other health complications. You should get to know such issues:You should get to know such issues: 1. Heart Disease: Causing your heart to over exert itself...
  7. Highs

    Different hypertension, signs and symptoms of Hypertension

    Hypertension, meaning high blood pressure, is a common ailment in which blood pressure becomes raised. There are two main types of hypertension:There are two main types of hypertension: 1. Primary (Essential) Hypertension: This is the most common type, accounting for the majority of cases. It...
  8. Highs

    How to Avoid Hypertension or High Blood Pressure

    Avoiding hypertension which is high blood pressure is important in lowering the chances of getting diseases of the heart and circulation, and also getting a stroke among other problems. Here are key strategies for the prevention of hypertension. 1. Healthy Diet: take less salt, make fruits...
  9. Highs

    Why are So many Workers Working Outside of Their Field?

    You would see an Engineer taking the role of a cashier job, teacher and more. Is it that there are no people fit for that role or they didn't apply. While so many who studied and got that degree have no job. Why is everything so scattered, how and why did it start. If engineers can work in...
  10. Highs

    Why Are People Afraid of Changing Jobs?

    Often times, we get used to a place and we feel we can't survive without it or there is no place better. This is usually a mind trick. As much as you get comfortable in a place, do not make it your comfort zone or you will be too weak to advance. The problem is some people are scared of the...
  11. Highs

    Do People Really Earn Thousands of Dollars Taking Surveys?

    This is not the first time I will be added to a group where people are thought how to make over 1000 Dollars just taking surveys and they come with so many proofs. I know top tier countries like US, UK and more may earn such amount while carrying out simple surveys but I don't believe developing...
  12. Highs

    What if Money Stopped Being a Medium of Exchange?

    Imagine If money stopped being a medium of exchange, things would get wild. People would go back to bartering, trading goods and services directly. Do you have some apples? Trade them for some shoes, funny right? But it would be stressful you would need to find someone who wants what you have...
  13. Highs

    Easy Ways to Get a Typing Job

    I once searched Typing jobs, sincerely typing jobs can actually be difficult to find online, but this article spells out the right way to do it. First, work only with the platforms, which reputation is confirmed, for example, FlexJobs, Remote. co, etc. : I kindly appeal to anyone avoiding the...
  14. Highs

    Fast Ways X Users (Twitter) Are Making Money

    Currently, X (formerly Twitter) users are making good money. First, they are tweeting for companies, companies buy products and pay them to advertise it formally known as ‘tweetvertising’. After that, they are transforming into affiliate marketing where they attach special links for products and...
  15. Highs

    How to Get a Good Job Immediately

    So many graduates tend to think more of how they can secure a prefect employment as soon as possible, here is the reality. First, give your resume and cover letter a glossy look, creative to grab the employer’s attention but genuine. Then, proceed to work search engines such as Indeed, Linkedin...
  16. Highs

    A Short Term Goal Takes How Long to Achieve?

    A short term is a target you want to accomplish in a very short time, often several days, weeks or up the most several months at the most. These goals are short-term in the sense that they can be achieved in a short span of time; therefore, it is easier to work for them as compared to long-term...
  17. Highs

    4 Simple Tips For Small to Medium Businesses

    There are things small to medium businesses should know as they start. Let's check 4 simple tips for small to medium Businesses: 1. Know Your Customers: To some extent, know your customers and their concerns by surveying, market research, or any other method is a good way. It assists you in...
  18. Highs

    5 Simple Ways Websites Make Money

    There are various ways that websites generate their revenue, as follows. Now, allow me to tell you some of the many means that sites make money; 1. Ads Everywhere: Are you aware of these adds popping up at intervals?Yes, it does, I think it means that websites make money through placing them...
  19. Highs

    Why You Should Start a Business in Lagos Nigeria

    Are you among those who want to start a business in Nigeria? It is not a wrong decision as Lagos is the sure move. It is the commercial hub of the country, and it has an energy that can only be described as raw. There are a large population, ready customers, and talented individuals who are...
  20. Highs

    6 Ways to Grow Your Small Business Now

    Are you the owner of a newly established enterprise and you want to expand it? Read the following carefully: 1. Build Relationships: Have Positive dealings with your customers and suppliers, take them as your own family. 2. Market Smart: Promote your business among your circle of friends using...