How to prevent naegleria fowleri infection?


Naegleria fowleri is an amoeba that infects brain. It enters the brain through olfactory nerve which is located in the upper section of the nose. Once the amoeba reaches this section, the infection becomes inevitable. However, there are certain things you can do to avoid this infection.

Use boiled water

If you want to clean your nose, then you can always use boiled water. Boiling the water kills this amoeba.

Use cholrinated water

Alternatively, you can also use cholrinated water as well. If you are planning to swim in a pool, then make sure that the pool water is cholrinated.

Avoid swimming in rivers and lakes

This amoeba is mostly found in rivers and lakes. Make sure you avoid swimming in lakes and rivers as such kind of waters are not cholrinated.


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Naegleria fowleri commonly known as the ‘brain-eating amoeba’ is common in warm water habitat including lakes, river especially during summer. For this reason, it is advisable torefrain from swimming in warm freshwater during the time of the presence of the amoeba. Another way of preventing the bottom of the water from being disturbed is also recommended as is simply keeping one’s head above the water. Further, when swimming or diving, putting on fuzzy Nose pinches off the entry point through the nose which is the point the amoeba gains entrance. When using a nasal pump the use of distilled water or sterile or even boiled water is recommended in order to avoid infection.