How To Deal With Migraines?


Migraines are sudden headaches you might experience out of the blue, they are different types of migraine an they also target different parts of your head, some migraines target around your forehead, while some will be the rear end of your head, this sort of headache might last from an hour to even days.

The remedy for migraine differs for a lot of people, for some people all they need is a hot cup of lemon juice and they'll feel okay while for some, they have to go and lay inside a dark room for some hours before they feel relieved, you can try either of the two to figure out what works for you.


For me, whenever I am having migraines, what I do is to drink water. After drinking water I take a little break from work or whatever it is I was doing and either sleep or just rest. After resting for a while the migraine tends to go down.