Side Effects Of Taking Carbonated Drinks or Soda


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Science has proven that people who consume more sugar-sweetened sodas a week were more likely to develop heart failure.

Researchers at Tufts University and Boston University are investigating how drinking different beverages impacts dyslipidemia, an unhealthy imbalance of cholesterol and triglycerides in human blood increases the risk of heart disease.
Drinking one or more sugar-sweetened beverages such as soda, sports drinks, and sweetened teas per day in the past four years may lower the levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol, which can indicate an increased risk of heart disease.

Based on the results of this and other studies, less is best when it comes to sugary drinks, says McKeown. "The more sugary drinks you consume, the more negative your health can be. Other studies have shown that people who take soda are more likely to develop type (2) diabetes.

Unsweetened flavored sodas, fruit-infused waters, iced herbal teas, and classic H20 are all healthy, risk-free ways to quench your thirst without stimulating your sweet tooth or affecting your cholesterol levels.

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
Your article uses a lot of medical terms that could hardly be understood by someone that is not in the medical field. Try to simplify it a little bit to be understood by most of the readers.


Science has proven that people who consume more sugar-sweetened sodas a week were more likely to develop heart failure.

Researchers at Tufts University and Boston University are investigating how drinking different beverages impacts dyslipidemia, an unhealthy imbalance of cholesterol and triglycerides in human blood increases the risk of heart disease.
Drinking one or more sugar-sweetened beverages such as soda, sports drinks, and sweetened teas per day in the past four years may lower the levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol, which can indicate an increased risk of heart disease.

Based on the results of this and other studies, less is best when it comes to sugary drinks, says McKeown. "The more sugary drinks you consume, the more negative your health can be. Other studies have shown that people who take soda are more likely to develop type (2) diabetes.

Unsweetened flavored sodas, fruit-infused waters, iced herbal teas, and classic H20 are all healthy, risk-free ways to quench your thirst without stimulating your sweet tooth or affecting your cholesterol levels.
What if we take it five times in a month?


Paid Author
Carbonated drinks have just one thing that is sugar. A glass of carbonated drink might contain 4-5 teaspoon sugar, which is higher than the dose recommended by world health organisation. Too much sugar is not good for your body as it not only increases risk of obesity but might also increase the chance if diabetes especially type 2 diabetes. Soda does not have any nutritional value it o ky provides you instant calorie which is nothing but sugar. Drinking soda causes sugar spike in your body with might even cause heart diseases.

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
Carbonated drinks have just one thing that is sugar. A glass of carbonated drink might contain 4-5 teaspoon sugar, which is higher than the dose recommended by world health organisation. Too much sugar is not good for your body as it not only increases risk of obesity but might also increase the chance if diabetes especially type 2 diabetes. Soda does not have any nutritional value it o ky provides you instant calorie which is nothing but sugar. Drinking soda causes sugar spike in your body with might even cause heart diseases.
It could be source of illness of many people even starting from a young age even 15 or 16 years old due to these drinks then you could get diabetic and this is not something strange or limited cases it is a high number nowadays.


Soda drinks actually offers no value to our body, ot causes problems but they're still being advertised and endorsed by celebrities, and government isn't doing anything to protect the health and well being of it's citizen, well, I guess it's individual responsibility to inspect anything that's going into your mouth.

Cutting off soda can be one of the best decision you'll ever make, you're better off drinking water or if you're addicted, you can reduce the intake one step at a time till you wean yourself off it completely.