Top five paying IT jobs in the world


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Did you know that IT personnel are entitled to an annual salary that is estimated to be 44% higher than their counterparts in other occupations?
What’s even more surprising is that entry-level salaries are competitive. Now switching careers can be mind boggling. However, one can find that taking that bold step is rewarding.
Should you consider delving into the IT field, here’s our list of the top 5 paying IT jobs in the world.

1. Software Developers: In the IT realm, they oversee the process of software development which includes creation and testing while analyzing user needs.
2. Network and Systems Administrator: They are responsible for the efficient running of the computer systems in an establishment. Their work include checking for software updates and troubleshooting to find solution to problems where necessary.
3. Information Security analysts: You can also refer to these personnel as Cybersecurity specialist. They’re responsible for protecting the systems and data of an organization from Cyber threats and possible damages.
4. Systems analyst: In a business setting for instance, a system analyst ensures the efficient running of the computer systems and also provides analysis for getting the best out of the systems.
5. Network Architects: They build and design networks that meet the needs of an organization. They use latest technologies to stay up to date with world standards by making upgrades where possible.


Having a college degree especially in computer science is a plus when pursuing an IT career, but you can land most of the IT jobs without having a college degree and by just having the appropriate training.
Having a college degree is good and helps to increase your chance of getting IT jobs but certifications is the most important thing


Paid Author
If you are a software developer, you are rich if you are a professional. You can work remotely, from the comfort of your home. You can handle several projects from several clients, nobody will query you. However, it requires several discipline to get to that stage. Information secret analyst to is another high profile job. If you are dealing with IT, you are made. You just need to be very good at what you do and that's all. Network architect is a good one too although I don't have much knowledge about that.