Is it Mandatory to Attain The Highest Level of Education?


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Highest level of education is actually worth hving. Although it's not a do or die thing for me except it's in your bucket list. Education is good I’ll be the first one to tell you that, but at the end of the day you do not need a PHD to make a success out of your life, do you? some people go al the way up to school thinking that is the key, but it is not, what you need is to find something that you are passionate about and grow that, it could be a trade, a skill, something that will help you live a happy and comfortable life. You don't need to gather all the degrees before you are happy or even make it in life so you should be wise while making your decisions.


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It all depends on your personal necessities and desire. I have an MBA degree but after MBA, I went to an IT school and started learning programming and later joined a software development company as an intern. After working for a couple of years on couple of jobs, I joined online job and these days I make money through different ways but one of the ways utilize my MBA degree. However, I don't regret going for higher studies as it enriched my knowledge.


Well, I think that it is a very good thing to pursue higher education. The fact of the matter remains that gaining higher education increases your chances of getting a good job in your own country and other countries as well. I have a bachelor's degree in Arts. However, the fact remains that my degree is not that much valuable in my own country. Perhaps organisations in other countries may value my degree. Regardless of that, I reckon that education is one of the most essential thing. When you gain education, you have a higher chances of securing a great job in any kind of business organisation.


Higher education is just a way to help you waste your time and life if you don't have any direction in life, always remember if you don't have a plan for your life someone will make you part of their plan where you help them achieve their own life goals, school is one of the many examples.

You can do whatever you want in life without pursuing a higher education, what actually makes it higher, titles in from of your name? What can you learn in the so called higher institution that you can't learn on your own by reading books at your leisure time.