How to Treat Premature Ejaculation in Less Than a Month


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To get rid of premature ejaculation, there is a need to blend a number of natural compounds. To begin with select two carrots and two pieces each of garlic and ginger while taking one bulb of onion. Add them into a smooth mixture all of them. Take this blend for seven days a week for three consecutive weeks. For better the effect, it is also possible to add fresh coconut water and ginseng to the concoction. The regular implementation of this process throughout the day may serve to increase a man’s endurance as well a possibility of solving the problem of quick ejaculation. But, of course, do not neglect physical training, kegel exercise is also crucial, and drink a lot of water. These techniques have even the ability to revert erectile dysfunction.


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Premature ejaculation is something that can be caused by so many factors. Physical and psychological factors can not be excluded. The first stage of treating this is to discover what went wrong, what Is the root cause? There can be many, depending on the individual. You might be having depression, stress, you might be an addict, unbalanced diet, lack of sleep and more. Other things like erectile dysfunction or hidden ailment too like heart diseases and circulatory problem. Your lifestyle such as watching pornography or smoking can affect you too. If you discover among these factors that which you are guilty of and ready to stop, the next step is to eat more of fruit, sleep well, I mean on time and reduce stress. You can drink a lot of water, avoid masturbation and eat this leave twice a day "Abamoda" it's found in Nigeria. Check my posts for further information about this and other health benefits of this plant. Watermelon is good, too. You should try it with the seeds. Ginger and garlic tea Is one of the best solution. Just take it every night but you might lose weight significantly.