How to make money on youtube without subscribers?


There are many people who want to make money on youtube, but they may have a really hard time making money because their channel may not have enough subscribers. However, you can still make money without subscribers.

Affiliate sales

You can create a video a place an affiliate link in the description. You do not need subscribers for this and any random person would be able to buy products via your link and you can earn commissions.

Offer gigs

If you don't have enough subscribers, then you can offer gigs. This way, random visitors on your channel will be able to purchase your services. Please not that these services allow any person to buy your service. You will just need to promote your channel.


Paid Author
Before you are eligible for all this, you must have a reasonable amount of subscribers, views and likes. Like who want to pay you for publicity when you don't have the publicity. There is no way you can earn on YouTube without having a reasonable amount of subscribers. Before people can also purchase your products or employ your services, they will need to see evidence and where does it come from? From your subscribers that's is where you get it from.


The only way I think you can make money as a YouTuber without subscribers is by selling a course, for example if your business attracts a lot of viewers but you are not monetized because you haven't reached the subscribers count yet, you can sell a course or link up your channel with platforms for donation like buy me a coffee, and your viewers can tip you over there.

But most times when you have a lot of views on your videos, you can easily use that to gain subscribers as well, you can tell them to subscribe to your channel through the videos.