How to Avoid Hypertension or High Blood Pressure


Paid Author
Avoiding hypertension which is high blood pressure is important in lowering the chances of getting diseases of the heart and circulation, and also getting a stroke among other problems. Here are key strategies for the prevention of hypertension.

1. Healthy Diet: take less salt, make fruits, vegetables and whole grains a big part of thee diet, avoid saturated fats and sugars.

2. Regular Exercise: The minimum recommended intensity of aerobic exercises per week should be 150 minutes.

3. Weight Management: Try to keep fit and slim As much as possible As it is very dangerous to be a little bit on the flip side.

4. Limit Alcohol: This means that people should take their alcohol responsibly.

5. Stress Management: Engage in washing away stress number of activities that reduce stress.

6. Quit Smoking: Stop smoking.

7. Monitor Blood Pressure: Blood pressure check ups.

8. Medication: In case of having one prescribe you, take it strictly as you have been advised.

9. Regular Checkups: Regular check up with a health care provider should be made.

Thus, hypertension prevention is a process that is based on daily health choices, medical examination, and observation of factors that can potentially lead to this condition. Through such preventive approaches, people can avoid any prospects and odds of hypertension as well as enhance the life quality of cardiovascular health.


Paid Author
My father has high blood pressure. Hypertension is considered genetic, therefore, I might be prone to high blood pressure. I am taking a lot of cautions. If you want to avoid hypertension or if you want to manage your high blood pressure, first and foremost, you need to change your diet. You will have to identify what foods triggers high blood pressure and what food lowers your blood pressure. If you avoid hypertension triggering food, you will be able to avoid hypertension

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
5. Stress Management: Engage in washing away stress number of activities that reduce stress.
In these days all of life inquiries are stressful so you need to take some breaks like going to gyms for example from time to time or excursion in the nature, this will generate a new world for you where there is no thing that could stress you or break your happiness. Unfortenally as you mentionned in other points, going to alchool or tobacco solutions doesn't seems to resolve the problem anymore.


From my own personal research the best way to avoid high blood pressure is to lower your cholesterol intake, it's the number one trigger for hypertension, this practically means stay away from all sort of fatty foods and greasy foods.

Such as burgers, fries, fried chicken and switch to organic food like chicken, lots of vegetable oil not hydrogenated and if you have any reason to use oil opt for olive oil and you'll be good to go, also measure your blood pressure Regularly.


New member
Thank you for the Tips, Hypetensiopn is a lifestyle-related illness that if we get to control most of our eating habits and maintain a good physical then we might not suffer this fate. I will spread the awareness to as many as I can so that we get to save lives. I will surely practice the tips as well.