Do you enjoy movies of your own country?


These days almost all countries are into movies as part of their entertainment sector. I am a huge fan of movies and I have watched both movies from Korean, India, Thailand, Chinese, Japanese and so on. When it comes to movies made by my own country, I do watch it but am not a huge fan of these movies.


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Why not? I do enjoy movies acted by my country. Although I'm selective. Among the movies, when I see that which I like, most times I know it before watching. They have good story lines. We have professional actors in Nigeria, infact some of them have featured in foreign movies, Hollywood inclusive. Although people talk down on Nollywood, particularly but they have some movies that made the record too. I have Nigerian movies I could watch over and over. They have series too, I mean interesting seasonal movies.


I'm from Nigeria and I absolutely enjoy movies from my country, even though sometimes they don't have a good plot but then it's the same in most movies, it's a hit or miss, I don't see myself as a full movie person but I like enjoying them in my free time, I also think it helps promote nationalism.

It also helps the movie makers in a way to keep on producing high quality movies, nowadays the cost of producing movies is kind of high so I believe that the more local production are supported the more it'll help the industry.