Can Pushups Help In Building Muscles?


Doing regular pushups can help in building muscles because when you do a pushup you're basically targeting your biceps, shoulder and forearms, and the more intensive your push up is, the more you'll make those targeted muscle group stronger.

You also have to compliment it with food, so majority of your food has to be protein because it contains amino acid and that's what causes muscles to grow, you can't grow your muscles if all you do is pushups and binge eating carbohydrates.


Paid Author
Staff member
I've been doing alot of exercise without taking much protein and i feel pains all over my muscle. Do you think low consumption of protein is causing the muscle pain? I notice there is a slow growth of muscle.


Yes, there will be no muscle growth if you don't eat much protein, because amino acid is absent, try to make your food protein and fiber only, vegetables and proteins only, you can try fruits too but they should be only nuts, avocados, water melon and cucumber, do not take sugary fruits like Mango or Apple.

If you can adhere to this type of diet for just six months you'll see some changes in your muscle growth.

Also what type of body do you have Ectomorph, Mesomorph or Endomorph, check picture below.


Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
I have heard that protein could cause cancer for the people so it is not recommanded these produced protein from manufactors and try to get it from natural elements while practicing sports for example.