Best and Worst Thing About Making Money On Paid to Post Site


Paid Author
The best think about using paid to post sites to make money is you do not need a lot of skills and do not require advance knowledge. If you have basic language skills and if you have knowledge on certain topics, you can easily make money. However, paid to post earnings are also low compared to other kinds of online jobs. Despite working on many sites and despite spending hours, you will still be unable to earn decent amount of money. The best strategy is to use Paid to post site as a way to earn extra money in your free time.


I think paid to post are a cool way to make money, depending on how you're looking at it, I'm better off here than spend my precious time on social media arguing with people, I like writing and learning new stuffs, the only grudge I have with paid to post website is that you have to wait 24 hours everyday to reset the counter.

I'd like if it can be reset by 12am and users can post at anytime that's convinient for them instead of waiting, I think if this feature can be implemented a lot of people will become active posters.


Many people may argue that the pay rates on paid to post websites are quite low. This is true, however, we must also need to understand that the owners of many paid to post websites do not earn a huge amount of revenue nowadays. This is especially true nowadays as many advertisement companies and online advertisement networks have decreased the overall revenue for many website. I think we can say that bad global economical conditions should be blamed for that. Regardless of this, if you combine different paid to post websites, then you may still be able to earn $1 per day.