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  1. Monster Masterpiece

    Received funds

  2. Monster Masterpiece

    Is Copywriting a Lucrative Skill?

    It could be the case however use of these API is limited on the free versions you need to upgrade to have 50 requests a day because servers cost them money so you have limited number of attempts every day for example.
  3. Monster Masterpiece

    How To Study Effectively

    This works for some students they revise during the exam period and after that gets good marks and even better from people that revises every day which makes surprises.
  4. Monster Masterpiece

    How To Build an Exercise Routine

    4 days a week could never be on the beginner level. You could start on weekends and then at the intermediate level you increase one or two days and at the advanced level 6 days a week and one day is your weekly break from exercises.
  5. Monster Masterpiece

    Importance of Customer Feedback In a Business?

    Having much positive reviews means there is doubt the company pays people for leaving positive reviews especially this is a reputable practice amongside many businesses to hire people to do reviews for small reviews and pay them a reward, that falsify results.
  6. Monster Masterpiece

    How to Make Money as a Custom Illustrator

    To learn them from scratch you need long youtube videos series and add to personal practice or trial to be a good illustrator if you not opt out for text to image ai generator option to help you to save the time and work as web designer without much skills.
  7. Monster Masterpiece

    Is Collateral Mandatory for Loans

    Sometimes this doesn't work. Banks give loans to people that pay in time and could use the loan for other purposes like purchase a new car or a new house or even to go to vacations and doesn't give loans to people that are in need for that money. Getting loan from bank got deprecated. Now people...
  8. Monster Masterpiece

    Will Online Courses Take Over Universities?

    In the university people doesn't seems a seriousness to what they learn or these is bad elements in the class unlike people how learn online how shows interest to what it is studied.
  9. Monster Masterpiece

    How To Start a Web Design Agency?

    Just a small question, if everything related to design could be created with text to image ai generator softwares and pay for credits for unlimited API use so what could be the future job of designers? Even frontend development the ai generator could generate half of code template with textual...
  10. Monster Masterpiece

    How To Make Money Selling On Facebook?

    It depends because if someone has something to sell he may think to create a website to make things a little serious and use Facebook to promote this website, as half people doesn't want to send money to a facebook page that could close anytime without guarantee of their funds sent to this...
  11. Monster Masterpiece

    What Are the Best Business Plan Software of 2024?

    I think you need to expand a little bit more these points into a paragraph or at least 3 or 4 couple of words so these are big lines but it doesn't encourage a reader to explore these apps if he has not minimum knowledge or even resume on how it works for example, this is an advice for you.
  12. Monster Masterpiece

    How To Start a Freelancing Business

    Connects on freelancing sites cost money means you need some funds to start submitting purpose of work and it depends if employer decides to hire you or this purposal money is lost add to bid for jobs, means you cannot start with 0 $ or empty handed on such freelancing platforms.
  13. Monster Masterpiece

    How To Approach Job as an Entrepreneur?

    This will let employees work better if the boss considers himself as an employee inside the company and things will go better, because this feeling of superiority will let the boss fail to transmit a message to the team about what is happening every day.
  14. Monster Masterpiece

    How to Adapt Your Lifestyle to Fit Your Income

    It doesn't relate. If we are talking about managing money properly it is case for someone having a job either online or offline that could have a good amount of money but someone earning 5 $ a month is a joke then we are not talking about manage money properly with 5 $ income for example.
  15. Monster Masterpiece

    How To Become a Virtual Assistant?

    Is there a speciality on online virtual assistance if I am not wrong or doesn't relate because from what I understand from what you say there is no job called virtual assistant or just it is general term and needs to be specific. Detail a little bit more.
  16. Monster Masterpiece

    How To Market Your Imported Products?

    In my country the VAT applied on imported products is discouraging and let you not think to import any new product for example because your margin of earning will be low or find yourself paying from your pocket money this is to resume everything.
  17. Monster Masterpiece

    How To Take Care Of Your Health at Old Age?

    This is not true, taking care from your health must be in all ages and not for example at advanced age because a lot of people falls into illness or similar tricks because they eat everything even young people means this is an old thinking and doesn't add a value to current illness situation of...
  18. Monster Masterpiece

    How Much Money Can I Make on Upwork Monthly?

    You need to pay for connections to find a job, because 10 connects monthly doesn't do anything these days. Add to that, you need to be a person that is always available or let's says most of the time to earn a reasonable amount of money.
  19. Monster Masterpiece

    How To Handle An Impulsive Spending Habits

    This method works if the budget is quite enough to cover your financial operations also and also that could be something well studied that you invest this money on this project.
  20. Monster Masterpiece

    Importance of Reading To a Business Owner?

    It depends on your free time because to read you need to have free space on your timeline which is not an option for many people that have charged timeline to do every day, this is what happens.