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  1. Spencer

    Is Fiverr The Best Freelancing Platform?

    Fiverr is the platform that allows freelancers to sell their services and clients can order their services which are also known as gigs, they can classify their gigs into three categories namely basic, pro and advanced, providing the client with a plethora of choices. You can start selling your...
  2. Spencer

    What Kind of Opportunities are Available in Freelancing

    I think most people bought the lie that freelancing is saturated so they don't have to even try, I have read countless times where it's emphasized that freelancing is cut throat competitive and all skills are saturated, a lot of people believed it and that's the reason they're stucked. But if...
  3. Spencer

    How Can a Graphic Designer Make More Money?

    As a graphic designer with a day job there's a lot you can do to bump your income, you can decide to start freelancing on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr and offer your skills or even sign up on or to design logos for domain names. You can take up a second job also...
  4. Spencer

    Is Collateral Mandatory for Loans

    Not all loans demands a collateral, I've had some experience with online loans and most of them do not request for any collateral, all you have to do is submit your bank statement and give them access to copy your contacts. And they give you a loan that matches with your income on your bank...
  5. Spencer

    How to Prepare For Retirement?

    As an employee it's important to start planning your exit from day one, having funds saved in a bank account or in an index fund, it's the way to go when it comes to preparing for retirement, it also depends on the arrangements of your employer, some get pensions and gratuity while others...
  6. Spencer

    How to Make Money as a Custom Illustrator

    Illustration is an Indemand skill, many business owners are looking for ways to market their business in a simple form to their customers which illustration can do perfectly, you first goal is to learn the skill, and become super good in it. Then you learn soft skills, which is basically how to...
  7. Spencer

    Starting a Business with a Bank Loan Advisable?

    Business loans are advisable only after testing a business idea and finding out it's worthy of testing out, for example if you want to start selling online and you've found a prototype that works, you can take a loan to start the business properly, since you have a proof it's going to work...
  8. Spencer

    Things to Remember While Getting a Loan

    Another important factor you need to pay attention to is your plan to pay back the loan, a lot of have no single plan on paying back their loans, they may take a loan to start a business or pay back debt, and if such fails, they don't have any plan to pay it back. As you're preparing to take a...
  9. Spencer

    How To Build an Exercise Routine

    Building an exercise routine takes enormous will power, but the overall return is massive, consistent exercise will make you healthier and less prone to diseases, first of all, you'll have to like your exercise, the best exercise is the one you enjoy doing, you want to kill any friction that'll...
  10. Spencer

    Challenges in Getting Online Loans

    Most people are unable to get loans because they are not credit worthy which means they have a bad or a non existent credit score, online loan apps are sharks especially in my country, they give loans with a ridiculously crazy interest on top of it. I won't even recommend anyone to take it...
  11. Spencer

    Is Copywriting a Lucrative Skill?

    Copywriting is the method of using writing or words to persuade a reader to take action, this could be buying or an email that'll later go through a funnel and be converted, there's been a lot of hype about copywriting lately, and most of people are asking if it's a right career to get into...
  12. Spencer

    The Business of Reselling

    Reselling is a good business to get into if you have some decent marketing skills, there's a zero cost of starting cost, it's more or less of dropshipping, you just pick a product, try and get people to buy it, and get a commision whenever you land a sale. You can utilize social media to make...
  13. Spencer

    How To Start a Web Design Agency?

    A web design agency primarily help other business to design and maintain websites online, to get started you'll have to learn the skills, which includes learning basic coding, WordPress and how to trouble shoot a website, then you go ahead and create a portfolio, this will contain all the work...
  14. Spencer

    Is It Really East to Profit From Real Estate

    Profiting from real estate is not as easy as it's portrayed to be, you need a lot of capital to get started, at least have enough to purchase some units and put on sale and then deal with a lot of bureaucracy and legal formalities to ensure you are not breaching a law. Also, real estate is in...
  15. Spencer

    Will Online Courses Take Over Universities?

    Nowadays you can learn whatever you want online, you don't have to got o university to learn anything, all you have to do is go to the most popular online courses directory and search for any kind of course you want to learn and the instructor, then pay attention and you'll definitely learn all...
  16. Spencer

    Do you really need to sacrifice happiness to save money?

    This actually depends on the kind of goal you have and how important the goal is to you, also, you don't have to sacrifice what you enjoy for savings, If you're able to save just 10% of your savings a month you are good to go. The remaining amount can go into other stuffs you want to do and fun...
  17. Spencer

    How To Make Money Selling On Facebook?

    Most people think you can only use Facebook to watch funny cat videos but the truth is, you can also sell your items on facebook market place in your area and make money from it depending on the population of your area and the demand of the particular stuff you're selling. The number one thing...
  18. Spencer

    Making Money as a Video Content Creator

    The most important thing to pay attention to as a video content creator is to offer value to your viewers, because any money you'll be able to make in your business is definitely going to come to you as a result of the views you have. Monetizing your contents its easy, you can apply for...
  19. Spencer

    Importance of Customer Feedback In a Business?

    Customer Feedback is very crucial for any business that really wants to grow and succeed, reason for this is pretty straightforward, your customers are the ones using your products or service so they're in the best position to tell you what you need to work on or substract from your business...
  20. Spencer

    How do You Start a Business?

    Starting a business stems from a need, you see a problem you can solve could be either online or offline, the medium doesn't matter, next course of action is finding out what it actually takes to solve that problem, money, team, expertise or skills and try to aquire these skills. You then...