Why do People Work After Retiring?


Paid Author
There are various causes for people to work after retiring. And among the reasons, some people want an additional income to either pay for daily expenses or for medical costs since pension funds may not suffice. Some people enjoy their existence by being busy, doing what they are good at and with company. They also find it useful to continue working after they retired as this will help them work off any body lethargy and sharpen their brains. I know some people working give the feeling of success
They want a chance to do what they have never done before. The reasons can be different but most retirments go for jobs seeking financial support, social contact or just but fun to maximize on their retirement age.


There are different reasons why people work after retiring, it might be because they love the work they do very much and there isn't much they are doing at home so they decide to challenge themselves, these are majorly the minority, that does not have money problems.

But the majority just have no options but to go back to work because they won't be ale to sustain themselves if they do not work, and these stem from all of the bad decisions they have made while working, or they have responsibilities they can't handle efficiently without working so they'd have to go back to work.