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  1. Spencer

    Service or Product Business: What's More Profitable?

    A service business is a sort of business, where you have to learn first and then apply what you have learnt and make money, it's the same as apprenticeship, where you work under someone, it's more profitable if you don't have any money to start a proper product business. A product business is...
  2. Spencer

    Tips On How To Lose Body Fat

    If you're looking at losing body fat, what are the steps you can take to make it happen, in this post we'll explore some ways to make it happen. 1) Eat clean: Most people think losing fat is about hitting the gym or doing exercises, but the truth is it's all about what happen in the kitchen, so...
  3. Spencer

    How To Become a Virtual Assistant?

    Becoming a virtual assistant isn't hard and demands for VA is incredibly high especially on freelance platforms like Upwork and Fiverr, a lot of business owners are looking for ways to lower their workload and give themselves more room to focus on needle moving tasks. Go on Udemy or Coursera...
  4. Spencer

    How To Start a Moving Company

    A moving company helps clients to move their products/goods from one place to another due to relocation or renovation from where they live or to warehouses for storage, it's advisable to run this type of business in a city with a lot of population because it sort of give you an edge due to...
  5. Spencer

    Biggest Mistake Business Owners Make

    I see this all the time among business owners, most people get into business for the sole purpose of making money, missing the forest for the trees, but the most important thing to consider when starting a business is value. What you doing better? How can you innovate and enlarge the market...
  6. Spencer

    Importance of Customer Support In Business

    Customer is at the forefront and one of the factors in client retention, to retain customers you have to treat them like human beings, not just names in a balance sheet, another factor that shows the importance of customer satisfaction is free marketing, when you treat your customer the right...
  7. Spencer

    Can You Still Make Money With User Testing?

    User testing has been a popular way to make money some years back, where all you have to do is open account with platforms like and complete some easy tasks and get paid, payments were prompt and all you have to do is link your PayPal account. These such opportunities are no longer...
  8. Spencer

    How To Start a Capital Intensive Business

    When you want to start a business that's capital intensive, it will be difficult to get off the ground due to financial constraints, there are some ways to get it done. 1) Investors: You can raise money from investors, there are angel investors and institutional investors that will fund you...
  9. Spencer

    How To Start a Fashion Blog?

    Starting a fashion blog looks easier than you thought, you can get your blog built by a freelancer around 100$ - 300$, the most important thing is the type of contents you put out, that's what's determine if your blog will be read or not, as a fashion blogger you should have a healthy obsession...
  10. Spencer

    How To Avoid Getting Sacked from a Job?

    1) Compeleting Your Tasks: By Compeleting what you are employed to do everyday and being as professional as possible, not letting your emotions get in the way at your job etc. 2) Develop Good Relationships: You have colleague try your best to treat them right, they'll help you secure your...
  11. Spencer

    Importance of Health Insurance While Traveling?

    A lot of countries demand for a health insurance before they admit you into their country, you might wonder why? The reason is not actually far fetched, they want to make sure you're adequately taken care of in case of emergency in the country you are visiting. Imagine how horrific it'll be to...
  12. Spencer

    How To Scale a Business Faster

    A business can become a burden for the owner easily if there isn't any foundation for scale in place, most people with businesses today spend a lot of time in their business, instead of their business working for them, they end up working in their business, here are some tips on how to scale...
  13. Spencer

    Is IElTS Compulsory to Secure Admission Abroad?

    Most countries demands an English test examination before they admit you, this can be a stumbling block for a lot of people, the reason why most countries demands IELTS is to ease the integration burden on students, if you know how to speak the language it'll help you get a job faster...
  14. Spencer

    Payment Received

    Hello guys, I just received a payment from Bontarus, check the screenshot out
  15. Spencer

    Can Pushups Help In Building Muscles?

    Doing regular pushups can help in building muscles because when you do a pushup you're basically targeting your biceps, shoulder and forearms, and the more intensive your push up is, the more you'll make those targeted muscle group stronger. You also have to compliment it with food, so majority...
  16. Spencer

    What Are Some Business You Can Start with $100

    Even though a hundred dollar might not seem much considering the inflation that's eating up the economy what are some business to start with such amount? 1- Popcorn Business: You can start a popcorn business, where your expenses is just the popcorn vending machine and packages, the only thing...
  17. Spencer

    Is Remote Learning Effective on Students?

    When Covid hits a lot of physical meetups where canceled due to the fear of the virus spread, many colleges create a way to disseminate studies to students which is through remote means, could be a video call or a virtual class room where you can interact with your lecturer. It became effective...
  18. Spencer

    What Jobs Can A Student Indulge In?

    As a student, you're limited to the kind of jobs you do, you're still in school, you need time to read your books and revise lessons. 1) Waiter: As a student you can get a job as a waiter where you can work after school hours, work is not hectic enough to stop from reading. 2) Writer: You can...
  19. Spencer

    Online and Offline Business What's More Profitable?

    I think short term offline business is more profitable because there are business you can start in a day and you'll make money on the first day, like food business, while online has a lot of competition and given that you are competing with the world it's more difficult to monetize. But in the...
  20. Spencer

    Importance of Goal-Setting in Business?

    If you're a business owner, setting goals will help you grow your business faster, it will serve as a motivation for you to work hard, most business owners are lackadaisical, they don't care about goals and just go into business with an open mind. You should set growth goals, revenue goals...