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  1. Spencer

    How To Smash Your Daily To Do List?

    If you want to be more productive then you'll definitely have a ToDo list, which contains a list of tasks you want to fulfill in a day and how it all maps out to your goals in the long run, if you're the type that feels demotivated when working on your ToDo list, how can you solve it? Start...
  2. Spencer

    How To Build a Habit?

    We all have goals and aspirations but the truth is, the only way you can reach your goals is by building habits that clearly link to your goals, how long does it take to build a habit, according to James Clear, Author of Atomic Habits, it takes 90 days to create a habit. Also, you shouldn't try...
  3. Spencer

    What You Need To 'Unlearn' About Spending?

    As human beings most of our spending is not rational, most times we just shell out the credit card or keep piling stuff in because we feel like it or our friends just bought the same stuffs, I know it's hard to do, but if you want to succeed in personal finance, you have relearn how to spend...
  4. Spencer

    How To Learn a New Skill with a Day Job?

    If you have a day job, you are probably busy the whole day so there is basically no time to learn a new skill that can make you more money for example, if you're looking at quitting your job, then learning a high income skill is the way to go, how can you carve out time to learn such skills...
  5. Spencer

    How To Reduce Your Business Expenses?

    As a business owner, there are a lot of things that affect your bottom line and they vary greatly, when you minus your expenses from your revenue, you get your profits, how can you reduce your expense to increase your overall profits? 1) Automation: You can increase your business bottom line by...
  6. Spencer

    How Long Does it Take a Business to be Profitable?

    Business profitability is based on many factors for example the type of business you are in and how much cash flow you have in the business, in software business for example it will take sometime to turn a profit especially if you don't sell directly to customers, if you rely on ads for example...
  7. Spencer

    How Savings Can Make You Successful

    If you want to have a chance to take risks you need a sizeable amount of savings to take you through, winning in business is more or less like a playing baseball, one homerun can set you up for life, and you also just have to be right once, to be able to be in position for this you have to save...
  8. Spencer

    How To Make Your Business Inflation Proof

    Making a business inflation proof is super important, what are some of the ways business can become inflation free and make profits no matter how the economy is performing. 1) Pricing Strategy: This is the most important point, find a strong currency and peg your products and service towards...
  9. Spencer

    Do You Need a Camera to Start a YouTube Channel?

    If you're an intending content creator and you don't know where to start, there are different waya to get started without buying a camera, there are a lot of tools out there that can help you create compelling videos without camera, one of them is AI, you can subscribe to either InVideo or Mid...
  10. Spencer

    Is Balanced Diet the Ideal Way to Eat?

    When it forms to eating or stuffs that deals with diet and nutrition what gets touted a lot is the balanced diet, where you try to get some share of each nutrient in your meals, but most people do not really notice what happens, and how it all comes together in our stomach. When you combine a...
  11. Spencer

    When Should a Failed Business Shutdown Operations?

    Cash flow is king in any type of business endeavor and running a business that is not cash flow positive is equivalent to swimming upstream, the wave is against you unless you have a plan of covering your costs as time goes on with your model. The moment a business owner realises his expenses...
  12. Spencer

    How To Allocate Your Business Profits?

    If your business eventually becomes profitable and you're making money hands over fist, what do you do with all of that cash, do you go buy a sport car, splurge on clothes or dash it to your mom? In this post we will I'll be looking at how to allocate excess business profits. 1) Emergency...
  13. Spencer

    How To Choose a Platform to Advertise?

    When it comes to advertising online, the platform you advertise has a real effect on the result you get from your advert, for example if you try to sell e-commerce products on platforms like LinkedIn it will be a tad bit hard to sell compared to Facebook but courses and mentorship will be likely...
  14. Spencer

    Why Do Boring Businesses Pay Better?

    Boring business pay way better because not most people are willing to do them due to some preconceived notion or a stereotype of business, if you observe very well many of the demands are in boring niches like sewers, brick and mortar business and the likes, in my own personal research I've...
  15. Spencer

    How To Treat Your Business Profits?

    If you run a business, you are expected to make profits, whether your business continues to grow or not depends on how you treat that profits, some camp of business owners believes that business profits is for the owner and can be spent the way they like, businesses treated like that goes under...
  16. Spencer

    Online or Offline Business: Which one is Harder?

    It all boils down to the opportunities you have around you, if you have to struggle with electricity and internet then it's definitely no brainer to start an online business, as it needs this as requisite to get it off the ground, it's the same for an offline business, before starting a...
  17. Spencer

    Does Getting a Bachelor's Degree Contributes to Opportunities?

    Getting a Bachelor's Degree correlates greatly with getting opportunities and helps you have access to jobs and to also further your education, most entry level jobs requires you to have a Bachelor's at least before you can get hired, it might not be a ticket to riches instantly but it's a solid...
  18. Spencer

    How Sticking To Your Budget Can Help Your Savings

    If you're interested in saving money, budgeting is one of the things you should consider, you want to be in a position where your spending is methodical, so you write out stuffs you want to buy and how much it will costs you and then minus your income, this will give you a round figure of the...
  19. Spencer

    How To Save as a Low Income Earner?

    If you're earning a low income and you're looking to save money there are some few rules you have to put in place to make it possible. 1) Spend less: Find a way to cut down your spending to the barest minimum and hack your living costs, this might mean moving back with your parents, cutting...
  20. Spencer

    2 Tips To Improve Your Reading Skills

    As a student, you are going to be reading a lot from books, handouts, pamphlets and brochures, your success in college solely depends on your ability to read and formulate your ideas better to the instructor. 1) Read Boring Books: If you're the type that drops a book because it's hard to read...