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  1. Spencer

    Does Exercise Have To Be Strenuous?

    If you have interest in starting an exercise regime, it might seem from the videos and instructions we read online that to start an exercise we have to go to the gym and lift heavy weight before we become fit, it is just an add on, but the truth is, you can get fit without the gym and without...
  2. Spencer

    A Unique Way To Learn How To Code

    At work I'm tasked to build some dashboards and I challenged myself to use a different technology, I just downloaded the Chatgpt app and started learning just yesterday and I currently have a working knowledge on how it works, if you are looking at learning how to code, you can leverage chatGPT...
  3. Spencer

    How To Deal With Migraines?

    Migraines are sudden headaches you might experience out of the blue, they are different types of migraine an they also target different parts of your head, some migraines target around your forehead, while some will be the rear end of your head, this sort of headache might last from an hour to...
  4. Spencer

    Why You Should Hesitate From Taking Drugs

    Nowadays it is very easy if you feel any slight discomfort to just pop an antibiotic into your mouth, the truth is most drugs have side effects and the more you shove them into your mouth the more exacerbate the problems they might cause you, be slow in taking drugs. Use natural remedies if...
  5. Spencer

    How Good Hygiene Can Keep You Healthy

    Bacteria and a lot of viruses live on the surfaces so for example if you keep your plate or clothes dirty it's easier to catch vir infections, maintaining a good Hygiene will keep you healthier and not susceptible to diseases, how do you improve your Hygiene? By being cleaning your utensils...
  6. Spencer

    Benefits of Becoming an Influencer?

    There are several advantages of becoming an influencer, you'll be able to become an authority in your niche which means you will have followers, this can put you in position to become an advocate and gives you easy access to industry leaders. Whatever gig you offer you will be able to get more...
  7. Spencer

    How To Make Money on Contra Platform

    Contra is a new freelancing platform that is taking freelancers by the storm, they do not have outrageous commission fees and you also do not have to buy connect to be able to apply for gigs, most of the gigs on Contra are from US, so you will be able to earn higher. If you are a freelancer you...
  8. Spencer

    Is It Possible to Make Money Trading?

    Trading is basically speculation and it comes with a lot of risk because you are actually not in control at all, you are just a participant and anything can actually happen to your money, you can predict right or wrong, and one of the most important commandment of running a business which is...
  9. Spencer

    How To Monetize a Podcast?

    If you have a Podcast that is bringing in some steady traffic and you are looking for ways to monetize such audience, there are couple of ways to make it happen, for many popular podcast how they actually monetize is through sponsorships, so a brand in your niche will reach out to you for a deal...
  10. Spencer

    How To Start a Software Business?

    A software business is a business that applies the use of software to solve problem for their clients, it starts from discovering a business idea in a niche, and then hiring or learning the required skills to build it, or you can take an already working solution and improve on it if you can...
  11. Spencer

    How To Sell Your Products With Facebook Ads

    Facebook ads is a great way to sell your products and services with a choice to target any demography you want, first of all, you'll have to create a landing page, this allows you to route your product to that particular page and make a sale, you can get it for free on platforms like Wix and...
  12. Spencer

    How To Deal With Low Energy During Your Day

    If you are the type that experience low energy during the day and you are not able to accomplish more maybe in your business or in studies, you might be suffering from inflammation, this happens when your body sugar spike and causes weakness to your body muscles, hence resulting in low...
  13. Spencer

    What To Do If Expenses Exceeds Revenue?

    When your expenses outsize your revenue it simply means your business is not making any profits, but it's also not too bad because you will be able to make seine changes to the expenses and turn a profits, it shows you have a good business model since you are getting sales. First of all, you'll...
  14. Spencer

    Making or Saving Money: What's Harder?

    Lack of financial has made a lot of people make rookie mistakes when it comes to handling cash, in my opinion nothing is hard it's just a lack of knowledge on how money works and it can be cured with learning and reading, making money can be done through offering a products or services to one or...
  15. Spencer

    How To Grow in the Gym as a Beginner?

    Get more volume when you are starting at the gym and grow progressively, do not start lifting 500lbs on your first day, start with 25lbs for example and lift till failure. Diet is everything, if you eat junk, you'll have inflammation and low energy in the Gym which can sabotage your gym...
  16. Spencer

    How To Achieve More by Doing Less?

    If you are always busy and you don't have enough time to pursue your personal goals then it might be because you have fallen for the trap of busyness, which means being involved in so many things but achieving less, to reclaim your productivity you have to prioritize and choose only high value...
  17. Spencer

    Making Money With a Faceless YouTube Channel

    As individuals we all have interests, do you know you can make money with your interests on YouTube? Yes, you can start a faceless channel, if you're not comfortable in front of a camera, it is also very cheap to start with a faceless YouTube channel the only thing you need is a micro phone and...
  18. Spencer

    What Are In-Demand Skills You Can Learn?

    If you are looking at making money online there are some in demand skills you can learn that can take you to your goal faster because there's more demand of people with such skills and the pay is also higher. 1) Programming or Software Development: This skills is highly in demand by software...
  19. Spencer

    Dissolution In A Partnership Business?

    In a partnership business, the goal is to pool in funds from different sources and make more money, for example it could be from family members, investors or between governments, but when the partnership is not beneficial to the parties involved, there has to be a separation, this could happen...
  20. Spencer

    Decision Making in a Partnership Business?

    In a partnership business one of the realities you will have to come to terms with are decisions, as partners in a business, you are not going to agree on every decision, often times this may lead to a lot of problems, but the key to handle it is trust and understanding from each party. When...