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  1. Spencer

    How To Regulate Your Sleep?

    Sleep is one of the most important ingredient of a healthy life, but is the least talked about, how can you regulate your sleep and get the most out of it? First of all, you'll have to choose a sleeping schedule, optimally, you are supposed to sleep for atleast 8 hours everyday, depending on...
  2. Spencer

    How To Make Money Working Smart?

    You can make money working smart by working in a field or industry that has leverage, for example the software industry, where you only have to write one piece of code ad it cn be used by thousands of people, that's leverage. Not working in a one to one industry, like being a tailor, you can...
  3. Spencer

    How To Deal With Persistent Headaches?

    Dealing with persistent headaches is not easy, because most times we only deal with the symptoms not the cause, if you take a pain reliever then it's only a matter of time before the headache resurfaces again, so you'll have to be mindful, often times the body grows desensitized due to constant...
  4. Spencer

    How To Build a Strong Immune System?

    If you fall sick often, it is a sign that you have a weak immune system, what you should do is find a way to build a strong immune system that will go head to head with bacteria and viruses making you sick, here are some ways to strengthen your immune system. 1) Eat Healthy Food: Cancel out...
  5. Spencer

    Should You Get A Job or Start a Business?

    Often times most people are in dilemma, starting a bushes or working a job is not an easy decision to make because it has to d with finances and making the wiring decision might make or mar you, I think it's an extremely personal questions and only an individual can answer it themselves, you...
  6. Spencer

    How To Optimize Your Facebook Ads?

    Facebook ads are one of the most efficient ways to advertise your services or products there are a lot of active users there that are ready to buy stuff and all you have to do is show them what you've got for sale, the problem is most people don't know how to optimize their ads to meet the right...
  7. Spencer

    How To Improve Your Finances in Easy Steps.

    The world is ina global recessions at a varying degree, depending on where you live and your income level, but these days almost everyone is looking for one way or the other they can bring in income, to improve your finances you have to offer relative value to your clients. First of all, if you...
  8. Spencer

    Why Are There A Lot of Money Making Scams?

    Nowadays, there are a lot of new programs about making money online, almost everyone is running one Scam or the other trying to make money off others, sometimes you will be told to pay for a sign up fee or you'll be told to invest a certain amount in order to get double of it faster. The truth...
  9. Spencer

    What are the Best Financial Books?

    If you're looking at building your financial knowledge, your first source is a book, you have to read, and learn, in this book I'll list some books that will help you tremendously in your financial journey. 1) Millionaire Fastlane: This book will change your complete outlook on how to make...
  10. Spencer

    Why You Can't Get Rich Working a Job?

    If you've read a financial book or are conversant with the financial world, the phrase isn't new to you, but have you ever asked why, why can't you get rich with a job, the reason is simple because when you have a job, you are selling your time, if you don't go to work, you won't get paid. Your...
  11. Spencer

    How To Reduce your Spending Drastically?

    Reducing your spending it's all about priority, I genuinely think if you don't have a goal, it'll be hard to save money or to regulate your spending, so your first goal is to reduce your spending to the barest minimum, is to have a goal. After setting a goal the next step is to write down your...
  12. Spencer

    How To Develop Healthy Eating Habits?

    Most aged people, typically 25-55 face one or two health problems they are trying to solve, and the truth is you can solve most of your problems by changing your diet, it is as simple as that, changing diet is not easy it takes a lot of willpower to make it possible. First of all start...
  13. Spencer

    What's Your Opinion on Saving 10% of Salary?

    The purpose of this thread is to be an open discussion for all members, I read in many different blog posts and saving websites that it's advisable for employees to save 10% of their paycheck, in my opinion if you save just 10% of your paycheck, how long will it take you to save anything...
  14. Spencer

    How Do You Like to Make Your Money?

    There a over million ways to make money, but everyone has their own method of making their cash, in my opinion there two to three distinct ways people make money. Monthly: This is where majority of the population are, these are the salary earners, it is about this time that market becomes busy...
  15. Spencer

    How To Make Money Selling on JIJI?

    You can make money selling on JIJI, buy this is specifically for Nigerian sellers. First of all, you'll have to look for a product that is useful to the users, replicable products like laptops and phones are not ideal because their area lot of vendors for them, you can import a product that you...
  16. Spencer

    No-Nonsense Guide on Business Ownership

    1) Always take records, when it comes to a business your records are what will vindicate you, running a business without keeping a record will put you at a disadvantage because you won't know or differentiate the inflow from the outflow. 2) Only hire smart people, you should be generous with...
  17. Spencer

    How Diets Can Solve Most of Your Health Problems

    A lot of people go through life with low energy, if you have a low energy you won't be able to function at your optimal condition and there will be some lapses in your productivity, how can you fix this? You can fix this totally by changing your diet, drop the sugar completely if you can and eat...
  18. Spencer

    2 Tools I Use To Be More Productive

    As a freelancer want are the everyday tools you use that makes your work is easier, in this post I'll be itemizing some tools I use that make my workflow faster and how it can help you do the same too. 1) Alarm: I use an alarm to ration my day and also regulate the time I wake up, an alarm does...
  19. Spencer

    How To Create a Thriving Upwork Account?

    If you're conversant with the freelancing world you should know that freelancing on Upwork is a great way to make aside income as a lot of employers are on there and if you're skillful you'll be able to make an income working there, first of all, you should create an account on the platform but...
  20. Spencer

    How To Form Long lasting Habits?

    I think one of the things most people struggle with nowadays is consistency, most people are not consistent on what they do, due to the distractions that are all around us, to build a new habit you need a trigger and ability to start small. Let's you want to be fit, don't start by doing 100...