Why are So many Workers Working Outside of Their Field?


Paid Author
You would see an Engineer taking the role of a cashier job, teacher and more. Is it that there are no people fit for that role or they didn't apply. While so many who studied and got that degree have no job. Why is everything so scattered, how and why did it start. If engineers can work in industries where they deal with machine and things related to engineering and other workers concentrating on their field too, there won't be much problems at work places as everybody is fixed to the right place. If a teach work in place of an Engineer, lapses would surely be felt.


It's actually because of opportunities, there isn't enough opportunities to go around so as always they have to adapt and create a new way for themselves, most people nowadays after school instead of looking for a job they get started in business or even start in building digital skills which will enable them to make money over the internet without borders.

I think the world has changed now and you don't need to have a degree to land a good job what is actually needed is your skills and your street smarts, no one asks of qualifications if you are a business owner.


Paid Author
There is a huge gap between what people learn in college and what people have to do in the job market. Our education system is not in line with our job market. There is a huge difference in the kind of people produced by the educational institutions and the kind of people in demand in the job market. Education is not compatible with the job market., Therefore, to get a job people end up learning different skills and trying for things that they did not lean in college.