Why Are People Afraid of Changing Jobs?


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Often times, we get used to a place and we feel we can't survive without it or there is no place better. This is usually a mind trick. As much as you get comfortable in a place, do not make it your comfort zone or you will be too weak to advance. The problem is some people are scared of the unknown, what will I get in my new work place, what will my new role be like, how do I cope, what if I don't do well and get sacked, what if I am owed. These are among the few questions carved from our fears. As a human, you have to advance, staying in a place might not get you that thing you desire. However, this does not mean you don't endure temporal challenges and change job like clothes but it means you should know the right time to leave a job to a better one.


Paid Author
People are afraid of changing jobs because they are afraid that if they change their job they would not be able to get a job that is as good as the current one, or pays as much as the current job. The fear of losing income source is one of the main reasons why people are afraid of changing jobs. Another reason is people do not have high level of professional skills, without skills it can be difficult to become successful if you decide on switching a job


Sunk cost fallacy, which means they're afraid of the time they've already spent and invested they've made in personal relationships that keeps them stuck, due to this many employees are willing to stick it out at their old job even if the pay is mediocre.

Secondly, they might be advanced in age and hereby not being able to up skill and learn more, it difficult to stand out if you can't stand out from the crowd, employers wants someone thats knowledgeable and can help them solve their own problems, so if they're able to solve such problems for themselves then they can move ahead.