What's is a Testicle Cyst?


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A testicle cyst, or spermatocele, is a small pocket that is filled with fluid and found in or near the testicle. Usually, it develops close to the epididymis which refers to a small coil located in the testis that holds and moves sperm. Most of these cysts are benign ones, asymptomatic, and do not influence the fertility of a female. These are mostly oval shaped non tender firm nodules and may even feel like a little cyst containing a fluid like bubble within the scrotum. Most scrotal cysts are benign and asymptomatic and therefore require no specific therapy. In fact, a cyst may remain asymptomatic and does not require treatment and management if it becomes big or painful, a doctor may opt to treat and manage it by removing the cyst, through a procedure referred to as cystectomy.