What You Need To Know Before Investing In Stocks,ETFs And Securities.


New member
Establish an emergency fund large enough to cover three to six months' worth of living expenses before you start making larger payments to your investments.
If you don't have an emergency fund, you'll have to start investing from zero if anything unexpected happens and you have to sell your investments or incur debt to cover emergency costs.
Your investments will grow more slowly if you start again every time because they must be kept untouched for a very long time in order to flourish.


New member
Before making big investments, save enough money to cover three to six months of living costs. If you don't have this emergency fund you'll need to sell your investments or take on debt during emergencies. This means starting over with your investments each time something unexpected happens, which slows down your financial growth. Investments need to stay untouched for a long time to grow well. An emergency fund lets you keep your investments intact and growing.


Paid Author
If you want to invest in stocks, you need to understand how stock market operates, if you want to invest in ETFs, you need to understand how ETFs work. If you want to invest in other securities, for instance mutual funds and index funds, you need to understand how these are different from ETFs and how they operate in the market. Without understanding the market, it is not a good idea to invest,However, there are some safe options to invest. For instance, invest in mutual funds and etfs instead of stocks