What Most Copywriters Are Doing Wrongly


Paid Author
When it comes to copywriting, it’s wrong to use big words and make great promises, which most ‘bad’ copywriters do. Real copywriting is here about translation. It’s transmitting what the audience wants into an offer that resonates His talks focus on identifying this need and translating it into a convincing offer. That is transforming how they want to address their issues into a procedure. And it’s using their verbal and nonverbal cues to put into words what is going on in their minds, their hearts. That is the real essence of copying for any copywriter, but what many of these fail to do. They fail to communicate because they do not pay attention nor interpret appropriately. Good copy feels familiar and comprehensible – it reads like the reader’s own wishes and ideas.


I think almost everyone is a copywriter now, because it is a low hanging fruit, everyone thinks they can just hop on to Facebook and claim they are a copywriter so that they can start selling worthless courses and their students repeat the same circle too.

Real copywriting like it's been done by legends like Gary Bencivenga or Dan Kennedy is all about writing persuasively and getting people to click buy or see reasons to purchase the products, if you're looking to learn this skill you can't go wrong reading and digesting their materials you can also use chatgpt to help you write killer copy.