What Kind of Low-Cost Marketing Can You Use For Your Business


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If you are small and medium business or enterprise (SMB/SME), you need to be very careful about creating a marketing campaign. That’s because you lack marketing budget and you will have to use methods that are either free or low cost. You should start by identifying marketing platforms that offer low cost marketing options. For instance, you can do free marketing on social media. Or you can donate some money to charity as corporate social responsibility and get featured in news to create a buzz around your business. You can also leverage video sharing platform or newsletter marketing as low-cost marketing options.



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You can also use word of mouth, it's free and very effective. The only problem is some people don't know how to do that. They can't talk to you physically concerning their business. Probably they are shy. You can hire people to do this. Your friend who is in need of money, he or she will do it better at a cheap rate. You can also put in effort and approach your colleagues at work, boss and your church members. Some don't just want to pass through this stage themselves because they are not sure of the credibility of their business, this is a hindrance too.