What is the Number One Marketing Mistake?


Paid Author
Making marketing mistakes is very common in the business world, but what do you think is the number one marketing mistake. In other words, what most common marketing mistakes businesses and marketers normally making? Well, in my opinion, the most common marketing mistake is in advertising product and services or the business in general to the people who actually are not the true buyers, or let’s say to the audice that is not interested in what businesses and marketers are selling. For example, would Apple sell its iPhones when it market to working class? Would you benefit by marketing video games to senior citizens?


The number one marketing mistake I see around is launching a business before ascertaining if it's needed or not, some random dude will just have an idea and then go ahead and start the business without testing for demand or if the market needs his product, this lead to spending of money trying to get testimonials or getting people to pay for the Siad product wasting a lot of money.

I think if business owners are able to test their ideas and are able to ascertain demand before they get started, it'll save them a lot of money and time.