What is Content Writing and How to Make Money as a Content Writer?


Paid Author
Content is anything that is published online, it can be an image, a written text, video, graphics, etc. Content writing is basically writing articles, blog posts, or any kind of written text. The role of a content writer is to write content that will be ultimately published online. A written content is basically informative, engaging content that is provides value to readers. Content is written to provide insights and solve a problem. You can make money as a content writer either by publishing your content on your own blog, or offering content writing services to the clients. You can also use websites where you can publish content and earn revenue share.


Content writing is method of communication through contents regardless the medium, it could be through a podcast, youtube videos or written, depending on what you are good at and also your ability to land readers/viewers or listeners, which will enable you to make money, the most important thing to focus on when writing contents for an audience is the ability to connect with them.

Your content should be relatable to your audience and by making it relatable or helpful you will be able to get an engaged audience you can make money from, and it also a passive way of earning money if you can get to make it work.