What Business Makes Daily Profits?


Most business take a long time to be profitable, what if you don't have that kind of patience and you just want to start making money from the get go.

-Transport Business: If you own your vehicle you can start making money from day one, as whenever you picked someone up you get paid and if you minus fueling your vehicle what's remaining is your profits.

- Food Business: A food business is a good way to Mae daily profits, if you can cook delicious meals you can make money from day one if you minus the cost of the food from the revenue generated.


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Actually all businesses can make you daily profit provided you sell on daily basis. If your business sells car, and if you sell a car every day, you can make profits every day. If you sell properties and if you sell every day, you will make profits. But it is generally understood that car or property cost a lot of money so it might not be possible to find buyers every day. Anything that sells necessities such as food, medicines, clothes, etc, can make profits on a daily basis