Ways you can source capital for your business.


Paid Author

So many intend to start a business, but you can't start so many businesses without having any capital. Capital doesn't grow on the tree, if you cannot get it from your savings then you would definitely get it somewhere else. I guess that's why you are here. Ways you can source capital for your business.

1. Crowdfunding

Trying out the crowdfunding method of acquiring capital for your business is a workable method tested overtime. You get a chance of presenting your business concept to the public, using online platforms, you will thereby attract investors, or small and big contributions from numerous people. This idea will not only grant you the capital you source, it will also prove if your business is worth it or not.

2. Private backer​

This is another way of getting capital, but here is solely based on interested investors who see light in your business. They believe your business is viable so they invest not for free but for equity or debt. They bring all the expertise, resources and connections needed to run, establish and see the business running effectively. The method discussed before this can be fused with this to achieve a substantial result.

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
The current margin doesn't let you possible to save money so you need a bank loan and pay it from your salary to be able to start a new business and work after work schedule even a small project. However, to start a big project a bank loan must be accorded because you need to work for a century to reach it. Of course, you need to convince them that your project is successful.


Paid Author
Trust me it is very difficult to source funds through crowdfunding, you need a lot of backers and it is very difficult to get backers with crowdfunding. You might also find very difficult to get private backers. As people cannot be easily convinced. In my opinion, the best option is to get into a partnership.


Paid Author
Staff member
Trust me it is very difficult to source funds through crowdfunding, you need a lot of backers and it is very difficult to get backers with crowdfunding. You might also find very difficult to get private backers. As people cannot be easily convinced. In my opinion, the best option is to get into a partnership.
Crowdfunding also provides a platform for sharing ideas and building a community around a project, fostering engagement and support from a wide range of individuals. It allows for a diverse pool of supporters to contribute small amounts of money towards a common goal.