Two Habits That Mess up Our Brain Every Morning


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Life is supposed to be fun but we suffocate it with mind bothersome things. We are told to observe some routines everyday to make our day count and our future bright. That's right from the first hour of the day. Immediately we get out of the bed we hit our work desk, the first session in our office. This can stress us out, some even stay starved, not because they don't have food but because they are hardworking. I guess you should know the result of these actions at the end.

The way we set our mind on things these days is damaging. Yes! You have some visions and great perception so you want to start a business and get rich today, just in your mind. I mean this is good, at least it will help you take a bold step. We must do it everyday? When you are putting yourself through mentally unrest everyday, there are consequences and you should be aware of it.


Generally, I think mental health has gotten the right attention it suppose to get like physical health, there are far too many people walking around with several problems and due to this they are unable to perform at a very optimal level and they are always one disaster away from full blown depression.

According to a new book of MIT trained scientist Cal Newport, Slow Productivity he said doing less and optimizing for quality over quantity is the right way to go towards a meaningful and happy existence.

Most people nowadays believes in the cult of hard work and all but In the long run it is detrimental to our well being to the point where we can't even enjoy the success we worked for.