Platform That Will Get You rich


Paid Author
YouTube seems to be a very saturated website where everybody is teaching one thing or the other, even the novice. The good news is, we still have so many credible content creators you can subscribe to grow yourself in anyway. YouTube can help you with the knowledge you need to make millions, but only if you are ready to learn and practice before you earn. I doubt there's any knowledge you will not find on YouTube, at least you will get a glimpse of what you are looking for. How often do you use YouTube and do you think it's as great as this thread has stated?


YouTube still remain the best platform to learn a lot about stuffs you're interested, most people will rather go to Youtube than Wikipedia me inclusive, if you're a creator also the traffic is there, you just have to find a niche that aligns with you and latch on to it.

The reason why most people fail on YouTube is because they tend to underestimate the time it takes to get popular and start making money, it's not going to happen overnight, it takes a lot of time.
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New member
No doubt in today's world YouTube has the potential to make you even a millionaire, there are many proofs of such influencers who started their career on YouTube with starch with minimum props or facilities but ended up turning celebrities and millionaires within a few years.
All it takes is quality content with consistency. Do focus on you're niche choosing the wrong niche out of peer pressure or trend won't take you long. Optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags. Try to engage with the audience through comments and community posts. If eligible, do a collaboration with other creators for exposure. If your channel is monetized you will make good income out of it, more than you have accepted.

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
@ekta13 it is possible that you become a millionaire on Youtube but you need a lot of work for this being happenning and not could do this is short time frame or something similar to this because it is not something easy to start earning money from Youtube.