Organic and Paid Marketing: Pros and Cons


Organic Marketing is the process of attracting customers organically without paying for advertisement, it is pretty straightforward you use either contents or if it's offline, a good location to get you customers, most customers you bring in through organic means will mostly be loyal and return customers.

While paid marketing cost money, you have to pay one of the media outlets to advertise your stuffs could be online or offline, it gives you faster results and also can be capital extensive.


Paid Author
Generally, Organic marketing, is free and builds trust but takes time, like growing a tree. What about Paid marketing? Fast results, just as you imagined But it costs money, and you have keep spending, that's the glue that holds you current audience together less they exit. Organic gives you long-term fans, but you need patience. Paid gets you quick attention, but it’s like renting, stop paying, it’s gone. Organic's great for the long plan, while paid is just for the moment . Mix them up for the best of both and Keep it balanced.


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You can do organic marketing through Search engine optimization and social media marketing. However, these two methods work only in certain conditions, for instance. SEO will work only when you have done it properly, if you do not have skills, you might end up spending money on hiring a SEO consultant. Social media marketing works only when you have a lot of followers on your page, which might ultimately need money to run ads to build followers on your pages