Making Money on Micro Job Sites


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Micro job sites are the sites where you work on small tasks that do not take more than 5-10 minutes and earn you a few cents. To work on these sites, you don't need special. Some of the common tasks offered by microjob sites are watching videos, liking social media pages, blog post commenting, signing up on a website, visiting websites etc. These tasks are so simple that you do not need expertise and anyone can work. Some of the most popular microjob sites are: Sproutgigs, Microworkers, Rapidworkers, Jobboy, etc. The best thing about these sites is you can work immediately and there is no need to bid on job or sell your gigs like on freelancer sites and remote job sites.


Paid Author
I just hate microjobs so much. We have thousands out there but their mode of operations is just to selfish. I would rather spend all my time on Ptp forums if I don't have any offline job. They stress you and pay very less and that's even if they pay you after working so hard and days to beat their withdrawal threshold. I don't think we have anyone happily working there, maybe not from my country. The worst part is they bug you with ads as if you are a target sometimes it feels your system is under an attack and who knows. Some even ask personal questions for free.


Paid Author
How much do you expect to get paid for a task as simple as wathching youtube videos or following someone on social site. How much do you think they should pay you for joining a site or visiting a site? These are the most common jobs on microjob sites and these jobs pay you 5-6 cents. I think the pay rate is perfect for the kind of task you do. Most PTP pays you 1-2 cents for writing 50-100 words, do you think this is a good payment rate? DO you really think PTP is better than microjob?