Is Online Work Real Job or Just a Side Hustle?


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A real job is the job that makes you money that you can use to pay your bills. On average you spend 40 hours per week on a real job. Side hustle is a work that you do in your spare time and make some extra money that you can use to pay your bills, save, or buy luxury. Do you think online work is a real job or just a side hustle. Well, I believe online job can be a real job as well as side hustle depending on how much time you spend with the tasks you are doing and how much you earning.


What makes it real job just boils down to the amount of money you clear at the end of the month, if you're making enough to clear bills and buy some few things then sure you have a real job that you've got to pay attention to, so for an online job to be a real job for you it has to be able to sustain you.

It mostly starts off as a side hustle then it graduated to a full time, depending on how much you're willing to put in time on it as an individual and how much potential it has.