Is Copywriting a Lucrative Skill?


Copywriting is the method of using writing or words to persuade a reader to take action, this could be buying or an email that'll later go through a funnel and be converted, there's been a lot of hype about copywriting lately, and most of people are asking if it's a right career to get into.

Copywriting can be a lucrative niche if you're good and competent in it, a lot of businesses are looking for ways to get sales, positioning yourself as an expert that can use copywriting to drive sales can make you money especially if you can deliver results to your clients.


Paid Author
Copywriting was a lucrative method to make money until recently, however, with the evolution of Generative AI tools, it is difficult to make money as a copywriter. People can easily generate copies from AI tools, so why would they pay copywriters such a hefty price. For instance, you can go to ChatGPT and ask to provide 50 copies for the product, service, business, niche, etc. If you provide good description you can create really good copies. Copywriting is no longer profitable.

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
For instance, you can go to ChatGPT and ask to provide 50 copies for the product, service, business, niche, etc. If you provide good description you can create really good copies. Copywriting is no longer profitable.
It could be the case however use of these API is limited on the free versions you need to upgrade to have 50 requests a day because servers cost them money so you have limited number of attempts every day for example.