How To Take Care Of Your Health at Old Age?


At old age, health should be your number one priority, only few people make it without health complication, taking care of your health at old age includes but not limited to frequent hospital visits for medical checkups, this could be once or twice a month depending on your body's strength and eating natural and organic foods.

Exercise is of paramount importance too even though a lot of old people don't bother with it, you shouldn't do strenous exercise but enough to keep your blood pumping and provide energy for you to go through the day, staying hydrated too is important if you live in sunny environment, it will help maintain a regular PH level in your body.


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You shouldn't wait till old age before you can take care of yourself, do it now and let it be a part of you. Starting it while you are old might not be easy. However, i wouldn't want to derail from the original content, so I will suggest some ways you can take care of yourself health wise at old age. You should make sure you take enough water in the morning at least 2 cups, warm water can be great too. Walk around your mansion, you can stretch your body parts, do that gently so you don't stress your body too much. You can start out gradually and increase later. Watch your bp too. Eat healthy food low on fat and sugar. Eat more of fruits and vegetables, and take supplements too.

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
At old age, health should be your number one priority, only few people make it without health complication, taking care of your health at old age includes but not limited to frequent hospital visits for medical checkups, this could be once or twice a month depending on your body's strength and eating natural and organic foods.
This is not true, taking care from your health must be in all ages and not for example at advanced age because a lot of people falls into illness or similar tricks because they eat everything even young people means this is an old thinking and doesn't add a value to current illness situation of the people.