How to Sticking to a Budget


Paid Author

One of the best ways to manage your cashflow, to start saving and investing, and also improving your financial health is by creating a budget. Sadly, budgeting does not work for a lot of people because they usually fail to stick to their budget. There are numerous reasons why people cannot stay within their budget. One common reason is a lack of commitment to follow the budget, they are not serious about it. Another reason is they set unrealistic budget, their budget is hard to follow. If you want to stay within your budget, you need to be realistic and practical, so that it is easier to follow.


Paid Author
Commitment is one the not easy in all our actions. Most times I conquer this by imagining the gain, make it look as if it's here already on all I have to take is these few steps everyday and I am right there. So many people can't keep up so they lose out on the way. Proper budgeting to is not easy especially when you lack. It's difficult to allocate resources and funds based on their priorities. We end up not following the plan and when we do this, we are already disorganized and it might not work out anymore.

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
Commitment is one the not easy in all our actions. Most times I conquer this by imagining the gain, make it look as if it's here already on all I have to take is these few steps everyday and I am right there.
When you see what is happening sometimes you make some calculations and then after that you have earnings that could be lower that you expect or have some problems unexpected in the business. This is what happens most of the time for example.


Sticking to a budget requires unwavering Discipline, it's too easy to go off the rails and be Impulsive when it comes to budgeting, you might have a good budget plan but where the work is basically sticking to it and making it work.

That's why I always advise people to get an accountability group going on, it'll help them stay the course and give them a reason to stick to their budget instead of veering off it and disrupting their plans.
Sticking to a budget can be a very tough decision but I have found a trick that really help. You need to track your spending for a month to see where your money is actually going. Then, you need to make a budget that's very realistic and this includes some fun stuff too because let's be real as we need some treats in life. You need to set up automatic transfers for your bills and savings because this could be used to cash out for discretionary spending.

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
Sticking to a budget can be a very tough decision but I have found a trick that really help. You need to track your spending for a month to see where your money is actually going.
You cannot rely only on PTP earning, you need a real work added to PTP that require a skill like work on Bondex App or similar platforms, microjob platforms have similar earnings to PTP doesn't let you earn a lot of money.