How to Stay Safe if You Have High Blood Pressure


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High blood pressure is not a threat to your health when you take measures that are necessary to avoid it. There are general advisories on what to eat and such rules include; minimize the use of salt, avoid foods that are fried, and increase your fruits, vegetables, and whole grain intake. Careful, simpler activities such as walking or light jogging also aid in reducing blood pressure – well, at least be sure to consult your doctor on this. Take deep breath, meditate, or stretch to cut down on stress which can take a toll on your body and mind. Avoid alcohol and smoking as they are known to cause increases of blood pressure levels. People with high blood pressure should check this regularly at home and ensure they give their body the required drugs on time. Finally, have routine check-up with your doctor to have your system adjusted as necessary. It’s not much but it is enough to help in staying safe this summer.