How To Start a Photography Business


With the advent of powerful mobile phone with a dslr level camera the business of photography is becoming less and less attractive, but their is still a demand for quality photographs because the creativity is still lacking and if you can offer value in that aspect you will be able to make it work.

To get started you need to rent a shop and buy equipment and then go for a training to learn the craft indepthly before you start getting customers, depending on your USP, you can make use of social media to reach more people and make your brand known.


Paid Author
I do not think it will be easy to start a photography business these days. These days everyone seem to be using high end mobile phone which can take photos as good as professional cameras. These days there are a lot of image editing tools and even AI image enhancers that can make even a bad photo look very good, with professional quality. People can find a lot of free tutorials to learn photography. Therefore photography is a dying business.