How To Start a Fashion Blog?


Starting a fashion blog looks easier than you thought, you can get your blog built by a freelancer around 100$ - 300$, the most important thing is the type of contents you put out, that's what's determine if your blog will be read or not, as a fashion blogger you should have a healthy obsession in fashion, grooming and personal development.

You can get ideas by exploring on Pinterest, or write a how-to guide, you can earn money on commissions too by writing reviews on popular fashion stuffs.

Follow popular fashion figures and learn from their blogs too.
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Paid Author
I have written a couple of fashion articles for clients but I do not have a fashion blog. I have blog but I don't publish on fashion niche. That's because if you want to blog on fashion niche, you need knowledge about fashion, if you lack knowledge, how are you going to write on these topics? The second important thing is to have SEO and digital marketing skills, if you do not have SEO and digital marketing skills, how are you going to bring traffic on your blog and earn money

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
I have written a couple of fashion articles for clients but I do not have a fashion blog. I have blog but I don't publish on fashion niche.
It is a thing that you could get a lot of sponsor marks when doing a fashion blog because they tend to pay that blogs to promote their products especially a lot of people interested in fashion could be their future clients but I respect your choice, it is your earning preferences to be not involved in the domain.


Paid Author
It is a thing that you could get a lot of sponsor marks when doing a fashion blog because they tend to pay that blogs to promote their products especially a lot of people interested in fashion could be their future clients but I respect your choice, it is your earning preferences to be not involved in the domain.
That's true. But to become a fashion blogger you need to have exceptional knowledge on fashion. And to bring in a lot of traffic to your blog, you need to write exceptionally well, do SEO and digital marketing. Fashion blog is not just about offering fashion news, and it is not just about providing tips on what to ear for summer, you need to know everything related to fashion industry. It is also a competitive niche and social media users, mostly females, are stealing traffic.