How to start a career in the field of transcription services?


Starting a career in the died of transcription services could be a really big challenge. There are a few important things to consider before you start a career in this field.

Make sure you have great listening abilities

Listening ability involves the ability to listen to audio in the best manner. This is why people with hearing issues could have a problem starting this career. You can use hearing aid if you have such issues.

Mastering accents

You must master different kinds of accents if you plan to start a career when it comes to transcription services. This is because you may need to deal with different kinds of customers who may belong to different countries.


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Accuracy in the accents is very crucial for transcription services. You will be exposed to people of different parts of the world, and thus different accents. In case your accent does not tally with that of the other person, you might get it wrong while working. To fix this, try speaking to some regional/standard/accent that you normally don’t. This could be American, English or Australian accent. The more that you spend an effort to identify them, the more you will be able to transcribe them correctly.