How to pitch articles and make money?


New member
There are many people who want to make money by writing articles. However, not all the people could actually earn money in case if they do not know the basic aspects related to writing.

Specializing in a specific niche

It is very important to learn a new skill and write about that specific skills. There are many different kinds of websites that want content written about a specific niche.

Pitching a new idea

It is always a good idea to pitch a new idea and contact the editor in this regards. Writing a professional letter and expressing your ideas could be a great way to pursue your clients.


Paid Author
I am active on Upwork. Even though I mostly work on webdesign, sometimes I also apply on writing jobs. Sometimes my pitches are approved and I get to work and sometimes my pitches are rejected. If you want to make money as a freelance writer, you should know how to pitch and what to pitch so that you do not get rejected. The most important thing is to make them believe that you have skills and a lot of experience


When you are pitching, a product, service, investors, employees or even a spouse, you need a compelling story and the ability to read the room and find out what the other party want, for example if you are pitching to write an article, it's likely the client already has a template he wants you to follow or a set of requirements.

Find a way to use those requirements in your pitch, emphasize on what he's looking for, sprinkle some numbers and reference points and you'll get the project, reading the room is about getting into the mind of the other person and thinking from his own view in other to maximize your chances.