How To Make Money Posting on Advisordia?


Advisordia is a Quora like platform where you asks and answer questions, it's very easy to register, you only need an email and a username, after registering, you'll have to post around 5 questions and 5 answers and then message the admin to upgrade your account to paid.

Minimum payment amount is 6usd, you are allowed to post 8 questions and 10 answers in a day, you can make around 0.33$ by posting everyday on Advisordia, the url is

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
You cannot post 8 questions and 10 answers in a day. Like for example someone says I host 18 websites and manage them every day. This seems far to logic. Unless you work full time there you could do may be one question and one answer every day especially the 350 characters.


@Monster Masterpiece It's actually possible to post 8 question and 10 answers everyday, it might not be possible for you due to your schedule or how you manage your time, but for others it might be different, there are people making money on Sproutgigs, how about that?

And they make around 1$ a day, so it's all about determination and what your schedule looks like, if you're free you can get it done in under one hour everyday and then go and do other stuffs.


Paid Author
If you have used Advisordia or if you have visited Advisordia you will see I am the top contributor on the site. However, because of my busy schedule I have not been able to post on the site for a couple of weeks. Earnings are not great but what makes this site interesting is you can ask question and answer question and in the mean time earn money. If you are there for money, the best part is they set posting schedule according to standard time instead of 24 hours posting schedule. Which means you can post in your convinence instead of waiting for 24 hours to pass.

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
@Monster Masterpiece It's actually possible to post 8 question and 10 answers everyday, it might not be possible for you due to your schedule or how you manage your time, but for others it might be different, there are people making money on Sproutgigs, how about that?

And they make around 1$ a day, so it's all about determination and what your schedule looks like, if you're free you can get it done in under one hour everyday and then go and do other stuffs.
Exactly if someone how is logged in in the internet 10 hours per day it will differ a lot from someone logging in after working hours schedule or study this is why it is impossible for some people.