How to Make Money as a Kid


Paid Author
You can make money as a kid in so many ways depending on your choice and location.

1. Lemonade Stand: Take a stand in your neighborhood and sell cold lemonade to people passing by the area. It is the simpler traditional method of making some quick money especially during the summer season.

2. Chores: Try to assist others in the community with yard work such as cutting grass, picking up leaves or washing a vehicle. It is important because people do not mind spending their money for the extra assistance in cleaning their homes.

3. Dog Walking: If you are an animal lover, get a job as a dog walker or you are still active as a boy. A large population of pet owners have the busy schedules and they will pay an individual they can trust to take their pets for a walk.

4. Sell Stuff: Look through your old toys, games and clothes, and see what items can be sold on E-bay or at a garage sale. It helps free space and even make some dollars at the same time.

5. Babysitting: If you’re mature and feel comfortable around the little ones, volunteer to babysit for family friends or neighbors. Every parent is always on the lookout for good options for the care of their children.


Paid Author
I am against kids working and making money. This is child labor, and child labor is not an international practice. As a parent, I would never allow my kids to work and make money, would you actually allow your kid to work for someone, for instance dog walking for a guy or baby sitting for a woman, and make money? Having said that kids can of course work on something and make money, for instance, they can teach some junior kids and make money, they can sell sodas and candy during school fairs etc.