How to Identify and Reach Your Customers


Paid Author

Without identifying your ideal customers, it is not possible to generate sales. You can reach your target customers, only when you know who they are. One of the easiest strategies to identify your target customers is analyzing your products and services. What you sell determines your customers. When you know who your target customers are you can use a strategy that appeals to them. The entire marketing campaign should be designed in a way that from marketing platform to marketing method actually appeals to your audience. It is very important to create effective marketing to reach your ideal costumers as well as generate sales.


Staff member

Without identifying your ideal customers, it is not possible to generate sales. You can reach your target customers, only when you know who they are. One of the easiest strategies to identify your target customers is analyzing your products and services. What you sell determines your customers. When you know who your target customers are you can use a strategy that appeals to them. The entire marketing campaign should be designed in a way that from marketing platform to marketing method actually appeals to your audience. It is very important to create effective marketing to reach your ideal costumers as well as generate sales.
You must study your competitors to understand who they are targeting and how they are positioning their products or services.


Some marketers calls this process Building a User, I think I read it in the Lean Startup by Eric Ries, you design what your end user looks like, it's like an avatar and you figure out their needs, why thy need your product and also how to reach them, where they hang out.

Overall it gives you the opportunity to relate with your end user and see things from his/her own perspective so that marketing to then is easier and more effective for you.