How To Handle School Stress

As a student you'll face a lot situations that'll make you stressed out, it's important to learn how you can destress and relax as a student.

1) Take Time Off: Recovery is as important as studying, if all you do is study all the time, you won't be able to assimilate much, take some time off to regroup and do some fun stuff.

2) Socialize: Create a social circle for yourself, this can include friends, course mates that you hang out together and do some social activities etc.

3) Sleep: Making time to have a good night rest can help in relaxing your brain and getting you ready for the day/task ahead.


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School stress can be unavoidable sometimes, you can have more of this stress if you don't have a sponsor and not financially buoyant because you will first get stressed emotionally thinking of how to pay some bills and probably trying to engage in couple of job to get your bills paid, it's good to have a sponsor or a means of generating money and some savings too before going to school.

Secondly, take time management seriously, dont wait until the last day before you start that task. You can try group work rather than doing things alone, be helpful too, people would like to help you in return. Ask for help and try to socialize too.

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
Secondly, take time management seriously, dont wait until the last day before you start that task. You can try group work rather than doing things alone, be helpful too, people would like to help you in return. Ask for help and try to socialize too.
The majority of people that study on the last minute and succeed doesn't show you that they revise every day on their home and show you that they aren't focusing on studies but at home they hardwork and you are surprised this person has high score marks.


Yes studying as exams are approaching is a way of inducing stress into your life as a student and also reading too much without providing any time to unwind or do fun stuff is a quick way to slip into the slippery slope of stress, your routine as a student should be balanced and their should be time for everything, else you'll burn out and won't acheive your goals.

Find a way to break down your goals into actionable steps and also be accountable to yourself, make time for everything so that you won't be restless during exams, stress can also make you underperform during examination.