How Much Money Can I Make on Upwork Monthly?


Upwork is a freelance platform where you sell your skills and make money, no matter the type of skill you have, there might be a client looking for someone to help them out on their problems, so whether you're a web designer, copy writer or a programmer, there's definitely something for you.

When it comes to making money, you don't actually the amout of money you can make in a month, it could be more or less of your estimate, the goal is to keep on putting out great proposal and upskill yourself to meet the demands of the marketplace.


Paid Author
I work on Upwork, it is the first online platform that actually paid me money. I earned $50 from my first contract but it took me 4 months of constant bidding on jobs to be able to get that contract. I also had to cut my rate by 50 percent to attract the client. The first job was hard but the second job was easy. These days I make enough money on Upwork to pay my rents, utility bills, sometimes even grocery. About 80 percent of my financial needs come from Upwork

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
You need to pay for connections to find a job, because 10 connects monthly doesn't do anything these days. Add to that, you need to be a person that is always available or let's says most of the time to earn a reasonable amount of money.