How can I use X to promote my business?

Firstly, you can Increase brand awareness on X by making sure that you share engaging content and also try to join trending conversations on the platform as this can help to amplify your brand’s visibility and reach too..

Secondly, we can also set clear goals because it allows you to pick the right tactics and you can also allocate resources. Additionally, can also help you to focus on relevant metrics to measure your progress.

Lastly, you can get involved in using valuable content and also make attempt to ensure that you engage in sharing a well crafted content on the platform


Paid Author
To advertise using X, you should first set up a business profile that has profile description and business icon. Update your followers with new products, services and new developments in your business field. Therefore, always make good use of hashtags to get to the right audience and participate in the related discussions. Of them interacting directly with the users by responding to comments and retweeting the posts made by the users. Provide web addresses where people can go to see your website or blog or promotions. Promote it through the Twitter page to an even larger audience by using the Twitter ads. To improve your performance, monitor analyst so that you are able to know how the performance of your business is. Regular and exciting posts on the Twitter increase the company’s recognition and strengthen the bonds with consumers.


Paid Author
Staff member
Firstly, you can Increase brand awareness on X by making sure that you share engaging content and also try to join trending conversations on the platform as this can help to amplify your brand’s visibility and reach too..

Secondly, we can also set clear goals because it allows you to pick the right tactics and you can also allocate resources. Additionally, can also help you to focus on relevant metrics to measure your progress.

Lastly, you can get involved in using valuable content and also make attempt to ensure that you engage in sharing a well crafted content on the platform
I will never use X to run advertisement after losing my ads account without warning. I funded my account with 5$ and it was disabled without a refund. They keep sending me automated message after providing them with authentic evidence.

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
I will never use X to run advertisement after losing my ads account without warning. I funded my account with 5$ and it was disabled without a refund. They keep sending me automated message after providing them with authentic evidence.
It is a stealth process if they ban account without refund. They need to make another platform for example for advertisers so even X account jailed won't affect your advertisements or something like that.


Paid Author
There are three ways to promote your business on X, one, you create a page for your business, get it verified, post on your page and in the mean time continue to build followers, two, you post on X and then use promote feature to run ads and reach a lot of people, and the third method is partnering with influencers on X. The first method is free, expect when you verify your account, remaining two methods are paid methods that require you to spend a lot of money