Easy Ways to Make Money as a Software Engineer


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So many people want to learn how to become a software engineer, however, they don't know how to, so many of them are willing to pay for it. The price is not even the problem anymore, all they need is a mentor who can get them through the rudiments of becoming a young software engineer, this is just how you make your money. The only problem is if you don't have passion for teaching or if you don't have core knowledge in your profession. You can also make digital notes for your clients or recordings which they have to pay for.

2. Fabricate a startup project​

If you have any creative ideas as well, you can start your own project, someone founded t Facebook, Twitter and the rest. You can program something that will fetch you money in the near future. Except you are not business oriented or probably don't have vast knowledge of your profession.


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If you have the qualification, you can start looking for vacancies through local papers or job sites. If you do not have experience it might be difficult to to get a job even when you have the qualification but once you built some basic experience you might be able to get a good job. If you do not find jobs, you can also start your own projects and make money by monetizing these projects or selling these products

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If you have the qualification, you can start looking for vacancies through local papers or job sites. If you do not have experience it might be difficult to to get a job even when you have the qualification but once you built some basic experience you might be able to get a good job. If you do not find jobs, you can also start your own projects and make money by monetizing these projects or selling these products
Some people lies in their resume because you could find someone having 5 years experience but he has only one task that he is doing every day and did not google or focus for the new informations. These companies forces you to lie because you cannot still a long period unemployed.


Paid Author
Some people lies in their resume because you could find someone having 5 years experience but he has only one task that he is doing every day and did not google or focus for the new informations. These companies forces you to lie because you cannot still a long period unemployed.
You might lie about your education and experience in your resume but sooner or later your lies are discovered and you will be penalized. It is better to start as a fresher than show a fake experience to get the job. Don't ever take a short cut route to become successful